Well! what a year 2011 was? I hope you all had a wonderful christmas and managed to drink plenty eat plenty and ride plenty.
Thought you may all like to know that I've just started a buying and selling business just for bikers. How does that work I hear you say? rather simple really you can either sell your unwanted and unloved bike gear to me for a fair and good price or I can sell your unwanted items for you; I will try and get the price you want but should I get an offer of a lesser amount I will check with you before selling. Once the deal is done and agreed I will charge you a selling commission of just 15% of the final selling price - or you can collect your unsold items sell them yourself on ebay? gumtree? or who ever and take pot luck. I will be attending various bike shows over the coming year so lots of people will be viewing.
My web page should be up and running shortly with piccies of goods and contact details but in the mean time if you do have any unwanted bike gear please get in touch my mobile no: 07892 783026 or email robertmoorcroft@hotmail.com.